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The two vicious guardians of Laboratory Five attack Ed and Al, and the confrontation forces the brothers to ponder difficult questions about life that could lead to disturbing answers.

Full Synopsis

The two guardians of the fifth laboratory unleash a terrible assault on Edward and Alphonse. Once Ed mentions that he spars frequently with someone of a similar constitution, Number 48 reintroduces himself as a former death row inmate - the infamous serial killer known as "Slicer". His suspicions about the lab's proximity to Central Prison seemingly confirmed, Edward begins a new inquiry and reveals to 48 that he is not immortal because he'll die if his blood rune is destroyed and that he now knows where it is. 48 doesn't care since he loves a challenge. Continuing their fight, Ed is having difficulty hitting 48 with his automail sword due to his automail arm malfunctioning, causing Ed to recall what Winry said about it being more fragile due to the lighter weight.

With this in mind, he attempts to end the bout quickly, but is overwhelmed by 48's skill and inexhaustible endurance, causing Ed to take a wound to his left shoulder. 48, declaring that the fight will soon be over, mentions that his own companion is engaging Ed's partner while they speak, prompting Ed to ask if 48's companion is of the same strength. 48 answers that 66 is strong, but not quite as strong as himself, to which Edward expresses confidence that his own "partner" will be all right, since - in all the years they've been sparring - Ed has never managed to beat him even once.

Meanwhile, in coherence with Edward's statement, Alphonse persists in easily countering 66's attacks, managing to knock off his helmet and discover that his opponent is just as empty as he himself. With a dramatic flair, Number 66 declares himself to be the incarcerated and supposedly executed infamously sadistic serial killer "Barry the Chopper", the very same deranged murderer that the Elrics had gotten arrested three years ago when the man kidnapped Winry. Trying to intimidate Al because of his body, Barry finds it doesn't work since Al's body is a hallow too, and that neither of them knows where their respective blood rune is. Regardless, Barry is determined to find the seal on Al's body.

Back at the National Library, while talking to Major Armstrong about Scar's attack and the Elrics' present location, Sergeant Brosh prefers to remain silent. But noticing that Armstrong is suspicious, Lieutenant Ross explains cohesively and honesty that the Elrics are at the fifth laboratory and they need to deploy troops there.

As Ed's sword fight with Slicer continues, Ed tries to use alchemy to summon a spear, but Slicer destroys it before Ed has a chance to use it. Creating a copy of Al through alchemy, Slicer is caught off guard and Ed proceeds to knock the hallow guardian’s helmet off completely from the armor. Restoring his automail arm to its original state, Edward declares that he has a few more questions for 48 to answer, but the disembodied helmet replies that the fight isn't quite over yet. Edward barely manages to escape instant death when the headless armor body rises to its feet and strikes, but is badly wounded by the left side of his stomach by the attack. 48 then announces to his young opponent that, when the Slicer was finally apprehended, the authorities discovered that the killer had actually been a pair of mass-murdering brothers. The younger Slicer brother speaks up from the body and reveals that his own, independent blood rune is further down, inside the torso.

Not giving Edward time to recreate his automail sword or use any other transmutations, the younger Slicer has the upper hand and Edward finds himself in a pinch as the massive blood loss is starting to make him lose consciousness. Knocking Ed in the stomach and sending him leaping backwards to a pillar, the younger Slicer charges in with his sword for the kill. Noting how important it is to live so he can return his brother to his original body and remembering Scar's destructive alchemy, Edward claps his hands together and mimics Scar's style of destruction alchemy, proceeding to blow the younger Slicer apart at the waist. Acknowledging a true defeat, the Slicers asks Ed to hurry up and destroy them. Edward declares that he is no murderer, but they respond that only the killing of humans counts as murder. Still, Ed refuses out of respect for Al, who is also in the same situation.

Outside, Barry is still having difficulty fighting Al, who wishes to end the fight so he can go help his brother. Hearing that Ed was the one who transmuted Al into his hallow body, Barry plays a mind game by making Al think that everything about him is artificial and his whole life is a big lie. Inside, Edward continues explaining to the Slicer brothers that, since he considers his brother human, he considers them human as well. Nonetheless, the elder Slicer brother finds this laughable because of their lifetime of crime. Barry still questions if Al ever existed, causing Al to recall to both his and Ed's recent trip to Resembool, where Ed had something important he wanted to discuss but had always been too afraid to bring up and wonders if what he wanted to talk about was the fact that he isn't real.

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