Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki


She is a doctor and automail engineer at Fort Briggs.

An expert in the cold's effect on the human body as well as in cold climate automail, she is vital to the continued health and well-being of the soldiers of Briggs, and by extension the fort itself. It is likely that she worked on the development of Buccaneer's Modified M1910 and Heavy Combat M1913-A limbs alongside Neil.


  • In the anime adaptation, at the Briggs Doctor's desk, there is a picture frame of a family photo where it's possible to view her four siblings and parents.[1]
  • It is possible that the men of the fort don't consider her to be womanly, similar to the way they feel about Major General Armstrong. This is made apparent in Chapter 71 when they miss Winry, calling her their "precious female resource" [2] and the "flower of [their] fort" [3] with the doctor in the room.
  • She is supposedly named Patricia. A big portion of the fandom refers to her by this name.


  1. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Episode 34: Ice Queen (2009 series); Family photo
  2. Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 18, Page 79; First Printing May 2009; VIZ Media; San Francisco USA
  3. Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 18, Page 79; First Printing May 2009; VIZ Media; San Francisco USA

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